Selected Work

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  • agile-teams
  • git-branching
  • css
  • html
  • javascript
  • fetch-api
  • w3-css-framework

Developed as part of a team where we adopted agile team processes. Initially we needed to agree an application concept that used 2 api's to return data for the application.

We agreed to develop a minimalist recipe application that finds recipes based on 1 key ingredient the user wants in their dish.

What I did:

  • I was the project manager and helped with assigning tasks, organising catch ups / scrum meetings.
  • Prepared the initial code base for the team.
  • Did all the JavaScript for the project.
  • Found and implemented the 2 api's - spoonacular and uselessfacts.
  • Found a Javascript plugin and I implemented to provide users with a function to generate a shopping list automatically on their device.

weather dashboard

  • javaScript
  • fetch-api
  • html
  • css
  • w3-css-framework

A weather dashboard that uses the OpenWeather API to allow user's to search cities around the world. Built from concept. The application was developed to provide the user with the ability to store the searched cities in their browser's local storage. Included UI/UX design initiatives like having wind speed, UV rating and an icons all coded in JavaScript to use colours and pictures for convenient identification of weather conditions.

In addition to the current day's weather, a 7 day forecast was also provided, including icons to quickly know the forecast weather condition for the coming days.

What I did:

  • Built the application from concept, including wireframing and pseudo code.
  • Developed the application as responsive to work on all screen sizes.
  • Designed and implemented a banner to show pictures based on the given weather condition for the particular day.
  • Added a feature for users to easily delete their stored cities from the memory without losing and cities they want to retain in the list.

code quiz

  • javaScript
  • css
  • html

Using JavaScript I designed and coded a JavaScript quiz.

The quiz is against the clock with time penalties if questions are answered incorrectly. At the end of the quiz is a high scores board using the browser's local storage.

What I did:

  • Built the application from concept using wireframing and pseudo code to get the broad structure.
  • I implemented a number of user features to make the quiz more fun, such as a countdown that loses 10 seconds when a user selects the wrong answer.
  • Added a countdown bar that then turns into a progress bar.

workday scheduler

  • javaScript
  • css
  • html

A simple application built from scratch that allows user's to select a work day time bandwidth and set out their tasks for the day.

The tasks are stored in local memory for the user to see the next workday when they open the application.

What I did:

  • Built the application from concept.
  • Added user features to improve experience like right clicking to delete entries and using tab key to automatically save the entry into local memory.


  • javaScript
  • mySQL
  • mySQL2
  • clearDB
  • node.js
  • express.js

An application for people wanting some inspiration in their day.

This portfolio website is using the same quote database I created for Quot3d.

What I did:

  • Created a JSON of over 1650 quotes and then seeded them into a mySQL database.
  • Wrote all the code, server routes, html, CSS and mySQL2 queries. Once the application was working I deployed it on Heroku using clearDB
  • I've written routes to add and delete quotes under administrative privileges.


  • javaScript
  • mySQL
  • jawsDB
  • node.js
  • sequelize
  • sessions
  • express.js
  • green sock animation platform

Provides movie release dates for the next 12 months.

Users need to have joined to access all the information on the movie and have a dashboard where they can add and remove movies.

What I did:

  • Came up with the concept and wire frame.
  • Found the Green Sock Animation Platform (GSAP) and implemented it into the website to handle the movie posters.
  • Found the TMDB API and Fetch called the 12 months of new release movies, converted the data into JSON and seeded into our database.
  • Designed and developed the mySQL database to achieve the application's objectives.
  • Wrote majority of the code for express, server routes and sequelize queries.
  • Deployed the application to Heroku.